Remove All Doubt
Sunday, April 13
Remove All Doubt

I appreciate Logan sending on Tom's comments on the New York Times column from the CNN news exec. I think the importance of that admission is hard to overstate. It shows an incredible amount of irrespsonbility on the part of CNN. I understand the very humnan concerns expressed by the author, but CNN should report nothing rather than mininformation. I am not familiar with the ethics of journalism but it would seem to me that if you cannot present the truth than you should present nothing at all and let the world know that the regime has intimidated the network to an extent that it can no longer do report from the country. The fact that CNN reports anything at all implies (up until now) that they are giving us all the fact we need to know. OK -- so maybe nobody really believes that of CNN but it should be what a news organization strives for. Finally, why haven't we seen huge amounts of commentary on this startling admission by CNN?
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