Remove All Doubt
Friday, April 11
This editorial from the NYT sparked some comments from Tom, another co-blogger who has not yet been able to find the time to figure out the blogging technology:

I am concerned about the dilemma faced by CNN (and maybe others networks) over the last decade of (1) reporting accurately from Iraq and risking reprisal on its Iraqi employees in the form of torture, etc. or (2) blowing sunshine up the collective world ass. Apparently, they chose option (2). Of course, its a terrible dilemma. While fear of reprisal isn't supposed to thwart "real" journalists from reporting the straight dope, reprisal has never - to my knowledge - been this significant. On the other hand, compromising journalistic reporting duties is a little bit like dealing with terrorists. It sets a bad precedent. Also, given CNN's international presence, imagine the multilateral support we might have been able to garner had CNN reported accurately.
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