Wednesday, May 14
We know John Edwards has been refusing to give his Blue Slip for Terry Boyle, a former Helms staffer nominated by the President to the 4th Circuit. Whether that's because Boyle is too conservative, or whether Edwards is just trying to get back at Jesse for blocking all of Clinton's nominees, his credibility with me took a major hit when I learned this from the Charlotte Observer that
Edwards has still not returned blue slips on two other judicial nominees: Raleigh's James Dever and Greenville's Louise Flanagan, both for U.S. District Court.
I mean, really. Four judges nominated by Bush, and you Blue Slip three of them, including two District Court nominees? We're not talking about Miguel Estrada here, and Jesse is gone. Stick it to Jesse's nominee if you must (though I wish you wouldn't - he has a good reputation in NC), but let the District Court Judges go through at least.