Remove All Doubt
Friday, August 22
Please go to and read Howard Dean's column today (sorry I don't have the fancy software to provide a link). Here is the money quote that has to scare the crap out of sober democrats:

"I will begin by repealing the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts, and using the revenues that result from the repeal to address the needs of the average American, invest in the nation's infrastructure and, through tax reform, put money in the hands of those most likely to spend it."

There are many falacies in his base assumption that repeal of the tax cuts (read tax increase) will lead to more revenue, but aside from that, this is an open declaration of tax increases for redistribution. Forget about that clause about "invest in the nation's infrastructure." That is a throw away line so devoid of meaning it needs no comment. But the last sentence is pure soak the rich rhetoric.

This is good stuff, here. I am starting to think we might be looking at the Democratic nominee and also starting to have visions of an 49-state general election landslide dance around in my head. Too optimistic??????

UPDATE: Here's the link. -- Tom Sawyer
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