Friday, September 26
"Look ma, I can tie my shoes"
Time for a quick blog about former general Wesley Clark, the newest Democratic candidate, poster boy, and former general. The former general, who is a former general, has thus far run on a platform consisting mainly of saying, over and over again, "I'm a former general." Somehow, this has brought him absurdly high approval ratings from Democrats and Americans generally (some polls give him a higher overall approval rating than the president). He has also mobilized the Clinton wing of the party, bringing along with him some of their top people (insert your own joke here).
Last night he took place in his first real life, grown up debate (although since he was matching wits, as it were, with Dean, Kerry, et al, it's not like he was playing the varsity). This is how the Post described his performance, in its charmingly non-ironic way:
He looked comfortable on the stage and in front of the cameras, and came armed with some good lines. Speaking about the economy, Clark said, "I've got a better jobs program in eight days than George Bush had in three years." But through much of the debate, he was, like the rest, a bystander to action somewhere else on stage.
Now, I am trying to be charitable. He is obviously a bright guy, and he just got in the race. But if the best the guy currently leading the Democratic polls can do is look comfortable on stage and memorize a few lines, surely the Democrats are running on fumes with the current candidates.