Thursday, September 4
Pass the kielbasa
A study released this week reports that views of American foreign policy are down across Europe - 64% majority of Europeans disapprove of us, up from 56 % last year. The one exception is Poland, where 58% approve of American foreign policy. Poland is also poised to join the EU with the
stated goal of integrating its traditional pro-American stance into its role in Europe and is the only other country to send a significant group of troops to Iraq. Clearly, Poland is the future - so pass the kielbasa and some good Polish beer (I recommend Zywiec)!
Actually, the study mentioned above has some interesting data, and it is especially interesting given that the UN - which the study shows Europeans continue to love - may be posied to take a greaer role in Iraq - apparently at Kofi Anan's suggestion.
UPDATE: France and Germany do not like the new UN resolution allowing them to help in Iraq.