Remove All Doubt
Friday, September 5

I'm having a hard time getting work done today (yes, even harder than usual, smartass) because I'm looking ahead to Sunday, when I'll be competing in my first 1/2 Ironman Triathlon. That's a 1.2 mile swim, a 56 mile bike, and a 13.1 mile run. Most folks, when they hear I'm doing it, fear for my sanity, and they make a fair point; no one is chasing me those 70 miles. So, I've been thinking about exactly why I want to do it.

Here's how I justify it. First, endorphins are GREAT, and you get A LOT of them racing for 6 or 7 hours. Never underestimate the power of drug addiction, even legal, natural, drug addiction. Second, and more to the point here, as a young lawyer I don't get many challenges. My own cases are small and easy to win, which is why a more expericenced person doesn't have them. The other cases I work on are important and tough, but the work I do for them could be done by a trained monkey. Basically, my job description is, push paper and don't screw anything up. Not terribly satisfying. A 6 hour race, on the other hand, THAT is a test, THAT's a challenege, and THAT'll make you know you accomplished something.

The sad thing is, I don't think I'm so alone in my opinion of my job. If I'm not, then here's my question. Do experienced lawyers still feel this bad about their job? And if not, why not? Is it because more experienced lawyers do more challenging stuff, or is it because they like the money, lie to themselves, and lack the courage to get out? I'd like an answer, 'cause I gotta make some career decisions here, and I'm not going to spend my life watching the clock so I can start living when I leave work.
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