Remove All Doubt
Thursday, October 16
And the miscues continue... sorry. I'm in Montana and it is a beautiful fall day; crisp air, snow in the mountains, and I've just had lunch with my wife. I am a teacher on fall break and loving every minute of it! (two days off). Why am I telling you this? The answer: to give you a little ammo. If you ever get in a conversation with a teacher (or anybody for that matter) talking about teacher pay and how they don't get paid enough, I want you to tell them they are wrong and refer to me. I get so much time off per year that the enjoyment I get from it more than compensates for my low pay. Not only do I only work thee quarters of the year, but the peace of mind and flexibility that this time off gives me significantly enhances my lifestyle. Of course there are trade-offs, but every teacher enters the field knowing what they are. Cheers!
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