Remove All Doubt
Friday, October 17
Democratic voters speak, tell candidates to shut it

According to a report in the Post today,
Majorities of likely Democratic voters in three states with early primaries or caucuses say they prefer a presidential nominee who supported military action against Iraq but criticized President Bush for failing to assemble international support over a candidate who opposed military action from the beginning, according to new polls conducted by the liberal Democracy Corps.
So presumably Dean will have trouble winning by saying, as he does here, "I opposed President Bush’s war in Iraq from the beginning." And the otherwise powerful Kucinich campaign may have trouble with statements like this one, which includes "The war in Iraq was wrong. " And former general Wesley Clark, a former general who's been in the military, for this statement: "I would not have voted for a resolution that would have taken us to war. It's that simple."

Sorry for the short blogs this morning, but I am so tired from watching the stupid Red Sox lose last night that I can't do much more. Is there anyone in America who thinks Grady Little was right to leave Pedro in for the eighth. I was screaming at the TV. But I digress . . .
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