Thursday, October 9
Gotta love it
The Washington Post keeps it coming with this story about problems at the Kerry campaign. Apparently he has set up two entire teams who dislike each other, and he seesaws between the two of them. The Post suggests this fact may "help explain the persistent criticism of Kerry -- both from Democratic Party operatives and from the media -- that his campaign lacks focus, speed and discipline." But it does not explain the persistent criticism - made by all sorts of folks but quite compellingly here - that Kerry simply does not know what he stands for and can't convey it to anyone:
This is what audiences always have to wade through to get at whatever it is Kerry is trying to say: Nuggets of nothing, wrapped in pretentious rhetoric, compounded by the pretense of plain speaking.Even though several polls show Bush's popularity flagging on several fronts - including the economy and foreign policy - the fact remains that he won't just lose by magic. Someone has to beat him. And the more you dig into the chuckleheads trying to do that, the less likely it seems to me that he'll lose.