Remove All Doubt
Friday, October 10
The Humility of Howard Dean

From Dean's lunch with the editors of Pravda
"This country's a great country, and the reason it's an important country is not just because I'm an American and proud to be an American."
Gee, Howard, ya think we've got more going for us that your patriotism? That's good to know.

Ok, ok. I know. It's out of context and not what he meant, but well, ok, no excuse. I apologize. However, that article is interesting for other reasons. One is the apocalyptic theme of Dean's campaign:
"I think what the president is doing is setting the stage for the failure of America. If you look at what's happened to other great countries," Dr. Dean said . . . "they get in trouble when they can't manage their money - and this president's certainly proven himself adept at that - and they get in trouble when they overstretch their military capabilities."
I'd be interested to hear more this historical claim: Is he comparing us to the Soviet Union? Great Britian? Rome? In any case, the analogy likely loses its punch the minute you go past the broadest level of generality. I don't hear anyone talking about eminent financial collapse, a la the Soviet Union. In fact the economy has been doing better. I'm pretty sure the British would dispute the characterization of their nation as a "failure." And the Roman Empire "overstreched" its military for, well, centuries. By that timing, we've got another 200 years in Iraq. I think Dean is going too far, and I think most Americans agree with me.

I hope the Democrats nominate someone who I can at least take seriously on the War on Terror and on Iraq.
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