Thursday, October 30
Unions stab Gephardt in back . . . Dean, Republicans rejoice
The AFL-CIO looks poised to endorse Dean. This, of course, does great damage to "man of the people" Dick Gephradt:
"It's Dean or no one," SEIU spokeswoman Sara Howard said Thursday, days before the union's 63-member executive board will decide at its Nov. 6 meeting.
Dean's favored status is a huge blow to rival Dick Gephardt, the former House minority leader who has positioned himself as labor's candidate. Gephardt has 20 major union endorsements so far, but was unable to secure the support of the entire AFL-CIO because several large unions, including SEIU, questioned the viability of his second White House run. In his 27 years in the House, the Missouri congressman has carried labor's banner on trade legislation and other issues.
Note that some people would describe "carrying labor's banner on trade legislation" as "engaging in shameless protectionism," which both Dick and Dean (and everyone else but Lieberman) are promising us all More noteworthy, though, is the intensity with which this Dick v. Dean handbags battle seems to shaking out. First, Gephardt creates this attack web site against Dean, and now the Dean campaign has accused a Gephardt staffer of manhandling and insulting a Dean staffer at an Iowa debate, where the two are running very close. And these guys think they'll beat the president? Good stuff.
N.B.: For an unintentionally hilarious description of what a Gephardt presidency would be like, see this Washington Post article of a few months ago, featuring my favorite line:
A Gephardt administration would impose higher taxes on individuals, restrict foreign trade and pick up a huge chunk of the nation's soaring health care tab. At a time of near-record deficits, Gephardt would lobby Congress to increase spending for several education programs, including a universal preschool program, and create a new energy program.It never stops being funny.