Monday, December 8
Lieberman: Caught in the middle
One more example of why Lieberman is too liberal for Republicans but too conservative for Democrats, this time from the entertainment industry. The Washington Post graces its front page with a story today on Lieberman's history of battles with Hollywood over the violence and sex in movies, TV, and video games, battles that earned him the undying enmity of the entertainment industry. You'll also note that his name is conspicuously absent from this USA Today story on fundraising efforts by Hollywood. It looks like on this issue, as on so many other, Lieberman is stuck; he just can't run left enough to win the primaries, even though he might be a credible candidate against the President if he made it that far (for more on the general Lieberman malaise, see here).
NB: The USA Today story tells us that former general Wesley Clark, a former general who has been in the military, has held "briefings" with Madonna, J Lo, and Ben Affleck. You cannot make this stuff up.