Remove All Doubt
Monday, January 26
The Great Debate

There are many important and contested issues in our society, some of which have been addressed on this blog: abortion, free trade, and gay marriage, for example. Yet, we have not yet grasped the third rail of the blogosphere. So, with hope, but not without significant trepidation I ask – which is correct, doughnuts or donuts?

Look not to the dictionaries, my friends, to resolve this issue for you. Cowards, they will not take a stand. No, they will not. Indeed, even the world’s two great purveyors of small ring-shaped cakes deep fried in fat cannot help. Even mighty Microsoft will not venture into the arena; its spellcheck contains both. Where to turn? How can we decide?

Fear not. When confused, turn to the expert. Apparently, simplicity wins out.
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