Monday, February 16
Al Sharpton, off the deep end
Al Sharpton recently hopped on the "Bush is a liar bandwagon", but with his own specia twist---His understanding of scripture is apparently that God made Bush that way:
"They said they knew the weapons were there. . . . So I hope he knew he was lying, because if he didn't, and just went in some kind of crazy, psychological breakdown, then we are really in trouble. Clearly, you know, I'm a minister. Why do people lie? Because they're liars. He lied in Florida; he's lied several times. I believe he lied in Iraq."
Now, I applaud the recognition that lying is indeed a sin. I suppose Sharpton wants to make the point that Bush is worse than every other sinner---every other person---because he lies intentionally, despite knowing it's a sin. But Sharpton had just said (see quote above) that there's a possibility Bush did not know he was lying, which eviscerates this argument (I am making the ridiculous assumption that Bush lied, for this discussion).
Rev. Al - you're free to bash Bush as much as you like. But let's not invoke your status as a man of the church to justify it.