Remove All Doubt
Saturday, October 2
Ah, Bigcity
So I'm back in Bigcity this weekend, mostly because Becky has a big event that I wanted to help out with. I figured this morning I'll go back to some of my old stomping grounds and do a little nostalga-ing. It was good: cup of coffee; Bigcity early in the morning before traffic is bad; big, famous buildings - sort of like Paris, I thought, but without French people, which is nice. A thought that maybe this wasn't so bad, that maybe I had a bad attitude about this place, was about to enter my mind when, within two minutes, two separate guys come up to ask for money, and ask in that way that only a Bigcity panhandler can ask - "C'mon, dude, you OWE me."

Whew. That was a close one. Say it with me now, "there's no place like Collegeville, there's no place like Collegeville, there's no place like Collegeville."

My dislike of Bigcity, and of big cities, also got me thinking. I imagine I'll have some kind of competitive advantage when I go on the market, since I'd prefer a Gentleville to pretty much any city with more than 150,000 people. So, with that in mind, here are my top ten job hopes, in no particular order: Michigan, Florida, Duke, NYU (ok, not really - just trying to see if you were paying attention), Chapel Hill, Tennessee, Washington & Lee, Virginia, Texas (ok, that one's on the big side, but I'm willing to stretch), South Carolina, Georgia. Now, I realize, none of those are really sacrifices, but there are a lot of schools not on that list that I think would make most folk's list, schools like Harvard, Yale, and Columbia. So, there is it, for whatever its worth.

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