Remove All Doubt
Tuesday, October 5
They Keep Pulling Me Back In
I've tried to ignore the Presidental race because there's nothing I can do about it, I already have my mind made up, and most of it is just, well, ridiculous. Thank goodness I'm not in a swing state, where it'd be worse. But even here, it's hard to miss, especially the debates and the excitement among many that Kerry won it. You'll be unsurprised to hear that kind of talk makes me unhappy, so now I'm finding myself searching for good news. Which is why the recent email of a reader was so helpful. So, here, complete with an admission of bias - this is designed to make Bush supporters feel better not reflect the whole truth - is what he showed me:
By two-to-one, voters who watched the first presidential debate believe that John Kerry prevailed. But . . . [t]he latest national poll by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, conducted Oct. 1-3 among 1,002 registered voters, finds Bush maintaining a 48%-41% lead over Kerry among all voters.

And this:
Vote preferences are essentially unchanged, with President Bush maintaining a lead in this first ABC News tracking poll of the 2004 election — in the horse race, and on top issues and attributes alike.
Now, safe in my cocoon of good news, perhaps I'll be able to go back to ignoring this stuff until November.

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